A series of studies that look at the parables that Jesus taught during His ministry on the earth. You can follow along with the accompanying study guides on this website.

The Four Grounds | The Parables of Jesus | Benjamin Ng

The Wheat and the Tares | The Parables of Jesus | Benjamin Ng

The Mustard Seed and Leaven | The Parables of Jesus | Benjamin Ng

The Hidden Treasure, Pearl And Net | The Parables of Jesus | Benjamin Ng

The Good Samaritan | Benjamin Ng

Asking to Give | Benjamin Ng

The Rich Man And His Barn | Benjamin Ng

The Fig Tree | Benjamin Ng

The Grand Banquet | Benjamin Ng

The Lost Sheep And Lost Coin | Benjamin Ng

The Prodigal Son | Benjamin Ng

The Unjust Steward | Benjamin Ng

The Rich Man and Lazarus | Benjamin Ng

The Unjust Judge | Benjamin Ng

The Two Worshippers | Benjamin Ng

The Unforgiving Servant | Benjamin Ng

Labourers Of The Vineyard | Benjamin Ng

The Two Sons | Benjamin Ng

The Lord's Vineyard | Benjamin Ng

Without A Wedding Garment | Benjamin Ng

The Faithful And Evil Servant | Benjamin Ng

The Ten Virgins | Benjamin Ng

The Talents | Benjamin Ng

The Sheep and the Goats | Benjamin Ng