Doctrinal study series created by Benjamin and David Ng. Please check from time to time to see if it has been updated. We are in the process of creating audios for this series to empower the teachers and make teaching easier. May God bless you!
PDF Handout files:
- Purpose of God in the Creation of Man [Handout]
- The Godhead [Handout]
- The Origin of Evil [Handout]
- The Fall of Man [Handout]
- Marriage [Handout]
- The Power of the Cross [Handout]
- Law and Grace [Handout]
- Repentance and Confession [Handout]
- The Faith of Jesus [Handout]
- The Forgotten Day [Handout]
- Prayer [Handout]
- Purposing in your heart [Handout]
- Prophecy’s Superpowers [Handout]
- The Antichrist I [Handout]
- The Antichrist II [Handout]
- Repeat and Enlarge [Handout]
- Judgment [Handout]
- 2,300 Days [Handout]
- A Lamblike Beast [Handout]
- The Mark of the Beast [Handout]
- State of the Dead [Handout]
- Second Coming [Handout]
- Millennium [Handout]
- Hellfire [Handout]
- The Remnant [Handout]
- Spirit of Prophecy [ Handout]
- Baptism [Handout]
- Health [Handout]
- God’s Money [Handout]
- Christian Lifestyle [Handout]
- The Unpardonable Sin [Handout]
- Heaven and New Earth [Handout]
Next Life Series Handouts – handout questions (zip file)
Next Life Series Teachers Notes – questions and answers for the teacher (zip file) [Part 1 | Part 2]
If you have any feedback regarding the material please contact me. This is far from a perfect product but am hoping it will be a blessing nonetheless.
Last Updated: June 14, 2016